1. Does Your Family Affirm the Lordship of Jesus Christ?

“For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together. And he is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything he might be preeminent. For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross (Colossians 1: 16-20).

We believe that the education of our children begins with these truths. The Scriptures also teach that God has commanded parents to bring up their children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord (Deuteronomy 6:4-9, Ephesians 6:1-4). The mission of The Classical Academy is to partner with parents in this endeavor. We are here to support the Christian instruction and training that is already established in the home. Therefore we seek to enroll Christian families who actively seek to disciple their children in their home and in their local church.


2. What is the Primary Goal for Your Child’s K-12 Education?

Although the academics and university-schedule at The Classical Academy undoubtedly prepare students for university studies and professional vocations, The Classical Academy exists for a much higher purpose. We believe each child is a living and eternal soul to be nourished, not a product to be manufactured. True education forms the soul, therefore, the choice of how to educate your child will influence what your child believes and loves. Modern education seeks to train for a job or a career. Classical Christian education prepares students to be excellent learners, rigorous thinkers, and effective doers. It is about who we become, not what we know.


3. Do You Desire a More Balanced Family Life?

It is not a shock that families today are time torn and fragmented. We live in a culture that turns the family outward. Parents are being told to leave the raising and educating of their children “to the professionals,” and children grow up nurturing friendships with peers far and above nurturing friendships with siblings. Students today who are enrolled in a full-time, five-day school spend the majority of their best waking hours (roughly 40 hours a week for about 15 years) under the direct influence of other adults and peers. There is certainly a place for school, teachers, and friends, but we don’t believe it should be as imbalanced as our society claims is best. While you may sometimes feel like you want to put your child on that yellow school bus every day for eight hours, if you recognize that the time your children are under your roof is incredibly short and you want to invest in them as much as possible with the partnership of others around you, The Classical Academy could be the ideal school for your family.


4. Do You Value Books and Desire to Cultivate a Family That Loves to Learn?

The most consistent success factor for children at The Classical Academy is the learning environment at home. Families who read and love to learn send their children to our school because they want the world of language, books, history, science, and math to be an integrated whole. They want their children to use their love of knowledge to explore and seek Truth. Having said this, many families discover the world of literature and information through their children’s experience at our school. If you would like to develop a love of books, knowledge, and learning in your home, The Classical Academy can provide a great start.


5. Are You Looking for One School for Your Child’s K-12 Education?

In a world with so many options for just about anything from school, to church, to social clubs, and sports, families are less committed to communities long-term and are pressured now more than ever to constantly “shop around” for their new best option. Many times, this starts out well-intentioned, usually with the thought of, “We re-evaluate this or that, every year based on each child and their differing needs.” While there is some value in this idea, attempting to perfectly curate a child’s every environment to exactly fit their needs in that moment in time, can lend to an adult who is unable to navigate a world that will never be able to meet all of their personal or social needs, and will never be able to cater to their specific strengths while protecting them from encountering their weaknesses.

The Academy is looking to enroll families who are committed to the totality of not just classical, Christian education, but a university-schedule education, through 12th grade. The benefit of a truly classical approach to education is not complete until a student graduates from 12th grade, which is why The Classical Academy will not be a good fit for a family looking for just a K-8th placement. We are looking to enroll, serve, and nurture families who are committed to K-12 classical, Christian, collaborative education, and who are interested in linking arms and getting in the trenches with a steadfast school community through graduation.