Staying Fervent During Summer

Staying Fervent During Summer

By Assistant Dean of Students Nate Jenkins   “Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord.”  — Romans 12:11   “Summertime, and the livin’ is easy.”  That’s how Gerswhin opens Porgy and Bess, and without hearing another line we know...
Prepping for Easter During Quarantine

Prepping for Easter During Quarantine

We are in the middle of week 3 of quarantine due to covid-19 and experiencing all kinds of things we never have before. Most of us are homeschooling our kids full-time, with little to no warning, and parents are having to work from home. Social distancing is in full...
What Easter Means When You Are Suffering

What Easter Means When You Are Suffering

When I look ahead and think to myself, what specifically about the Christian faith do I want my children to leave home with? The obvious answer is their salvation. But beyond that, what do I hope they carry with them? The answer is simple…I want them to leave...
What is Easter Advent?

What is Easter Advent?

Spring weather is finally peaking its head out and with that, comes preparing for the celebration of Easter. Christmas is the birth of Jesus, when God sent the Redeemer to mankind. But, Easter is the pinnacle of the Christian faith when Jesus died and rose again! Why...